珠海華光鐳射唱片有限公司成立于1991年。華光公司是國內最早經國家新聞出版總署和外經貿部批準從事激光存儲片(CD-ROM、CD-A、V-CD、DVD)復制生產的中外合作企業。 華光公司現擁有M2、DATADISC、冠印、恒基等國際先進的復制及印刷生產設備,配備KOCH參數檢測儀、ECLIPSE數據分析比較儀、分碟機等一整套完善的質量檢測設備,年產光盤4000多萬片。 十多年間,秉承“專業、價值、顧客滿意”的經營理念,公司致力于專業光盤制造,積累了豐富的專業光盤制造管理經驗,造就了一支高素質的人才隊伍。公司在2001年通過ISO9001:2000質量管理體系認證,2004年成為廣東省首家通過ISO14001:1996環境管理體系認證的光盤制造廠商,這些為公司致力成為全球IT知名品牌專業光盤制造商奠定基石。 公司相信質優能致遠,服務見實力。公司目前已為索尼(SONY)、戴爾(Dell)、佳能(canon)、惠普(HP)、愛普生(EPSON)、奧林巴斯(OLYMPUS)、三洋(SANYO)、柯尼卡美能達(Konica Minolta)、卡西歐(CASIO)、京瓷(KYOCERA)、兄弟(brother)、三星(SAMSUNG)等世界知名品牌客戶提供著一站式可信賴和差異化的產品加工和服務。 優勢經營特色: 1. 超過10年的光盤制造經驗 2. 精密的制造及檢測設備 3. 完善的產品提供及服務體系 4. ISO9000:2000品質管理體系 5. ISO14001:2000環境管理體系 6. 嚴格的知識產權保護一站式產品及服務提供 1. 節目數據前期預處理(節目編輯、壓縮) 2. 碟芯菲林設計及輸出菲林 3. 制作母盤 4. 120mm、80mm、不規則形狀、個性化顏色光盤的復制 5. 光盤盤面絲網印刷及柯式印刷 6. 包裝物(CD盒、不紡布等)提供及光盤包裝 7. 生產許可證及出口批文申報 8. 光盤出口/轉廠加工貿易 9. 代理客戶終端送貨運輸 Zhuhai Huaguang Laser Disc Co., Ltd. was found in 1991. It is the first Sino-foreign joint venture to get the approval from the government to start its business in the country. Over a decade, Huaguang has been concentrating on digital memory disc production and accumulated rich experiences in this area. Years efforts have earned the corporation an excellent reputation in optical discs(CD,VCD, DVD,CD-ROM) manufacture. As a professional producer catering for the IT industry, Huaguang has built profits and got inspiration by providing the service, and has witnessed a well-established partner-relation with over 10 renowned IT enterprises in the world. Among those are SONY,Dell,canon,HP,EPSON,OLYMPUS,SANYO,Konica Minolta, CASIO,KYOCERA,brother,SAMSUNG,etc.. Stimulated by the very idea of being ahead, abiding by the management ideology of “customers the first”, Huaguang has given top priority to quality improvement, attached great importance to the customers satisfaction. The corporation now equips with the most advanced facilities, including replication equipments as M2, DATADISC, printing equipments as Guann yinn, Hanky and relevant quality inspection equipments, presenting a total output of 40 million pcs per year. Huaguang became ISO9001:2000 certified in 2001 and was firstly ISO14001:1996 certified in the disc industry in Guangdong Province in 2004. All these are serving Huaguang in its progressing toward a leading professional producer in disc industry. Now Huaguang has developed into one that possesses the ability to offer a variety of highest quality products in a self-desired format, and one enjoys a continuously steady development in its business. While maintaining its well-established advantages , Huaguang will for sure spare no efforts to upgrade operation, perfect management, further innovation , so as to offer the best and reliable service to existing and new customers!
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